

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# tweets one variant of This Is Just To Say by William Carlos Williams
# original: https://poets.org/poem/just-say

import requests
from random import randint
#from credentials import *
import tweepy
#auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET)
#auth.set_access_token(ACCESS_TOKEN, ACCESS_SECRET)
#api = tweepy.API(auth)

def generate_poem():
    # gather some corpora from GitHub using requests; these are in JSON format
    fruit_response = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/foods/fruits.json')
    adjectives_response = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/words/adjs.json')
    colors_response = requests.get('https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dariusk/corpora/master/data/colors/crayola.json')

    # Extract a Python-readable list from each response
    fruits = fruit_response.json()['fruits']
    adjectives = adjectives_response.json()['adjs']
    colors = colors_response.json()['colors']

    # Pick random numbers
    fruit_num = randint(0, len(fruits)-1)
    adjectives_num = randint(0, len(adjectives)-1)
    color_num = randint(0, len(colors)-1)

    # Choose random items from each list using random numbers
    fruit_chosen = fruits[fruit_num].lower()
    color_chosen = colors[color_num]['color'].lower()
    adjective_chosen = adjectives[adjectives_num].lower()

    # Fill in the blanks of the poem with the randomly chosen items
    # \n means line break
    # \ at end of line just splits the line in the code, so that the code can be read more easily

    poem = 'This is just to say\n\n\
    I have eaten\n\
    the {0}s \n\
    that were in\n\
    the icebox \n\n\
    and which\n\
    you were probably\n\
    for breakfast\n\n\
    Forgive me\n\
    they were delicious\n\
    so {1} \n\
    and so {2}' \
       .format(fruit_chosen, color_chosen, adjective_chosen)

    return poem


## I have eaten
## the kumquats
## that were in
## the icebox
## and which
## you were probably
## saving
## for breakfast
## Forgive me
## they were delicious
## so unmellow yellow
## and so waterproof