Git Commit

We’ve now put some work into our code so we should save our work. We’ll create a new GitHub repository and commit our work there.

  1. Create a new repository on GitHub:

Name your repository anything you’d like. We’ll name ours “jumpstart-webdev”.

If you leave the repository public you can share the URL which may help with troubleshooting as we go.

create new github repository

  1. Create a new repository on the command line.

Open a terminal window or open the VSCode integrated terminal. You’ll first initialize the repository, add our file, and commit the work locally.

git init
git add
git commit -m "first commit of jumpstart webdev application"
  1. Configure a git remote.

Now we’ll configure a remote for our new repository. Look for the line in the GitHub instructions that begins with git remote add origin. Here’s what mine looks like:

git remote add origin
  1. Push to GitHub.

Now push your code to GitHub:

git push -u origin master
  1. Visit your repository on GitHub to confirm you pushed your code.